German Dog Names

If you have a German heritage, speak the language or maybe even have a German breed of dog, a great way to recognize that is by choosing a German name for your pet. As a bonus, your dog will stand out from the crowd, as unusual German names are not common! Be sure that you know what the definition of the name means, or if it has a negative connotation before committing to it. Some names can be simply fun words, while others might be traditional monikers. Here are just a few suggestions for German dog names you might be interested in for your own dog:
Fraulein: Meaning female, specifically a young woman, this name is perfect for a female puppy. Not only is it gender specific, but it is commonly understood by other people and easily pronounced.
Mitzi: This is a common German dog name in Germany, as it is a cute derivative of the name Mary or Marie. It is funny and easy to say!
Wolfgang: Although many people associate this name with the famous composer, it is actually quite common in modern Germany as both a dog and human name. It is decidedly masculine, and a clear way to show your German heritage or interest.
Engel: Meaning angel, this sweet name is perfect for a passive and kind natured dog, of either male or female persuasion.
Keep in mind that many German names are decidedly male or female, so make sure you know the name's gender before assigning it to your pet.