
  • Meaning of Ringo:
  • Category: Unusual
Average: 3.2 (32 votes)

Dogs Named Ringo

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I named my dog Ringo Star the day he was born (his mum belonged to my sister) because he was fully black with white rings on he ankles and a perfect white star on the back of his kneck. Now he's just Ringo as the star soon became a blob!


I name my 1 rotti Ringo,now he,s gone i miss my Ringo so much ,he was the best dog I ever have,my Ringo I will miss u for ever.Love daddy.


Ringo means "bell ringer-ring," Peace be with you" or in Japanese "apple"


I've been a huge Beatles fan for many years. My favorite Beatles are John Lennon & Ringo Starr. since it would be weird to have a dog named after myself, I chose to name my Basset Hound puppy Ringo!

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