
Average: 3.6 (69 votes)

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Dogs Named Tia

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Omg! Tia IS the best name. You can't go wrong!


My Yorkie is Tia and I love it, her nickname is Tilla.


Cool creative.


a dog called aunt?


My Chihuahua's Name Is Tia It's Really Fitting!


In the process of getting a new yorkie. Love the name Tia Maria. That will be my new babies name.

D. Z.

My little girl Chihuahua is named "Tia" & her nickname is "TT". She is absolutely "ADORABLE"!!! My co-workers & I printed several names out & drew, that named was picked the most so we ended up naming her "Tia". She was abandoned & showed up @ my place of business, after several attempts to locate the owner we failed so I kept her, she is most appreciative & thankful & has a wonderful home with our family & very loved now!!!!!!


i am getting a yorkie cross breed tommorow and Tia suits it BRILLIANTLY. My miniture poodle alfie got a bit annoyed when she kept following him at the city dogs home!!!

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