Dutch Dog Names


Do you or your dog have a history tying you back to the Netherlands? Or maybe just Pennsylvania? Either way, we've come up with a great list of Dutch dog names to help you pick the perfect moniker for your pet. Click on any name to see a description of its origin and meaning, along with suggestions of dog breeds that typically sport this name, comments from other pet owners, and related names in case the first one you choose isn't quite right. You can create a favorites list to come back to later, rank the names based on how much you like them to help other owners decide, and mark off the names you dislike as well. If you want to ensure your pup comes across as macho or girly, try sorting the names by male and female first. Each name is listed under several categories to help you find the right one no matter how you search. Try browsing around in some of the related categories after you pick a name to find other suggestions you might like.

Take your time, play around, test the names out to see what your dog likes, and have fun!

Show: All Male Female