Latin Dog Names
At, Latin is not a dead language. In fact, it has a section devoted entirely to Latin dog names! These names can help bring Latin back, at least in a small way. Search through the conveniently alphabetized list to find a the Latin dog name that you enjoy. You can also search through the star rating to find a highly rated name. Users can rate these names on a five star scale.
One problem with Latin dog names is the fact that Latin is no longer spoken. Users may not understand whether a name is appropriate for male dogs, female dogs or both. Sex symbols are posted next to each name that indicate the appropriate sex. Happily, you can filter the names into "male" and "female" so you don't have to scroll through tons of pages to find the right name.
There are some excellent Latin dog names on this site too! Marcello is a male appropriate dog name. Portia is an elegant sounding name appropriate for female dogs. Other names, such as Kadence, Margaret, Rita, Chrystal and February may be more familiar to people. However, they may not have realized these names were Latin!
Take the time to look through this list of Latin dog names. A dog named "Julius" just may respond to your cries of "veni vidi vici!"