I Own an 11 year old Jack Russell Terrier female dog who my niece named Shakira when she was 8 wks old in 1999, she is the sheer joy of my life, is still as energetic, and affectionate as she was when she was a puppy, she is getting grey, and white haired now, but she will always be my baby. I love her so much, I hope she is with me for aanother 11 yrs if God allows, she is truly my Dog-daughter!. Ha!.
Shakira is not a dog name it is the name of a very flexible singer, you know Shakira. Besides who would want to name there dog Shakira? My name is Madison, but no one I know names their dog after me huh.
Aw, you're just jealous,Madison, and you're probably really upset that my dog has a celebrity name and you are named after a street corner. I bet my dog looks better than you too! Huh!.
I Own an 11 year old Jack Russell Terrier female dog who my niece named Shakira when she was 8 wks old in 1999, she is the sheer joy of my life, is still as energetic, and affectionate as she was when she was a puppy, she is getting grey, and white haired now, but she will always be my baby. I love her so much, I hope she is with me for aanother 11 yrs if God allows, she is truly my Dog-daughter!. Ha!.
Shakira is not a dog name it is the name of a very flexible singer, you know Shakira. Besides who would want to name there dog Shakira? My name is Madison, but no one I know names their dog after me huh.
Aw, you're just jealous,Madison, and you're probably really upset that my dog has a celebrity name and you are named after a street corner. I bet my dog looks better than you too! Huh!.
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