Hungarian Dog Names

Hungarian dog breeds are the oldest breeds of dogs in the world. In fact, the Kuvascz dog breed has been in existence since about 200 BC. If you have a Puli, a Komondor, a Kuvaxz or a Vizsla, you may want to find the perfect Hungarian dog name for your dog or kutya.
There are many Hungarian dog names to choose. If you value your dog's friendship, you may want to name him or her Cimbora which means companion. Other Hungarian dog names include Sarkany or dragon and Csecse which means pretty.
You may even want to choose a specific name for your dog depending upon gender. For example, you may want to name your female dog Boglarka or buttercup; you may wish to name your male dog Bojtar which means shepherd boy.
If you are considering showing your dog, you may want to name her Csinos which means pretty or you may choose to name him Larmas which means glamorous.