A Dog Named Moonpie

Your Dog's Name:
Tell us a little about your dog:
Well, shes a chihuahua but not a yappy one. The only time she barks is when she hears a weird noise, sees a stranger, and when shes being played with. Shes calm most of them time, but she has her hyper moments. She loves people, but doesn't like other dogs much. She doesn't bite them or anything, she just gets really jealous.
Why did you pick this name?:
It started off as a joke and ended up sticking. She has a crescent moon on her face, so I told my boyfriend that I wanted her name to have Moon in it. Jokingly he said, "MoonPie!" and from then on, that's been her name. A lot of my friends have laughed at the name, but it fits her perfectly :) She even has the coloring of a MoonPie.
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