Russian Dog Names

This page features a list of Russian dog names, male and female to choose from. The meanings of the names are here as well and the dog parent is free to rate what they believe are the best, the worst and maybe the middling. Also, they can add more names to the list to help out other parents who think their dog has a bit of Russian in their background.
Male Russian Dog Names: Adrik This name means “dark one,” and is perfect for your black lab or pug. Grisha This name means “vigilant” and is also good for your trusty guard dog. Leonid means “lion.” Might be good for a chow, a pomeranian, or any dog that has a ruff that makes their human think of a lion. A good name, also, for the lowchen, or “little lion dog.” Shurik This Russian name means “defender of mankind.” Great for that watchful bull mastiff, or even that fiercely devoted little terrier. Valerik This name means “strong and brave.” Is your dog strong and brave? Of course he is!
Female Russian Dog Names: Anechka This is a diminutive of Anna, which means “grace.” Perfect for your borzoi, and a borzoi is really a Russian dog to boot! Larochka This name means cheerful and it’s great for your Maltese or Bolognese terrier, or your little samoyed. Svetlana This name means star or bright. And isn’t your dog the star of your home? Ursola Ursola means “little bear.” Great name for a female chow, even if she’s not quite that little!