Gaelic Dog Names

When the time comes to name a pet, many things contribute to the final outcome. If the owner is of a certain culture, or the breed is from a certain country, these can play a large part in naming a new dog. Gaelic dog names are particularly popular with people of Irish and Scottish ancestry. In addition, many popular breeds of dogs originated in Ireland and Gaelic names for such dogs seem to be appropriate. Greyhounds, Irish Setters and Irish Wolf Hounds are but a few breeds of dogs that have Gaelic origins, and, more often than not, end up with Gaelic names.
A sampling of the most popular Gaelic names for dogs, according to are: Alpine, Caro/Cara, Faeden, Kira, Kirek, Kerri-Ann and Hagen to name just a few. In all honesty, it doesn't matter what breed of dog or personal ancestry dictates, the new member of the household should be dubbed appropriately with a name that suits his or her unique personality.